How to have an impact

The International Film Festival Rotterdam wrapped up last week and luckily I managed to catch a great film about a married couple who have had a big impact on some of the most iconic Hollywood films (The Birds, The Ten Commandments, The Graduate, Fiddler on the Roof, Scarface, and the list goes on…). Unless you work in the industry, you’re likely to never have heard of Harold & Lilian Michelson, but when Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffen started Dreamworks guess who they called?

I’ve met many people (myself included!) who want to have an impact and feel that their work is meaningful. This film got me thinking about how too often role models for making impact seem larger than life; many of them having to live out their lives in the public’s eye. There are many people out there who are making an impact in unassuming ways. They do this like Harold & Lilian; by loving what they do, giving their best and striving to do better each day, taking opportunities when they present themselves and staying curious so they can always keep learning & growing. And most of all, they kept at it, until the right people recognised and appreciated their contribution.

If you have a chance to catch a screening – do it!

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