Tag Archives: management

Action – Achievement = ??

This picture was floating around on Facebook last week: It triggered an interesting conversation with Juan. I interpreted this picture as making a statement for people who talk about their complaints or talk about things they wish they would do … Continue reading

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Do you set others up for success?

The recent Olympic men’s gold hockey final game got me thinking about this question. It was triggered when I watched Jarome Iginla make an amazing pass to team Canada’s captain Sidney Crosby, after which he shot the puck and scored … Continue reading

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Why we should learn improv

For a number of years I attended classes for improvisational theatre. At the time, from my scientifically and mathematically inclined family I generally got the feedback that, ‘oh you’re doing that fluffy stuff’. Back then I couldn’t clearly articulate what … Continue reading

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Cost cutting AND smart investing

We’ve all been experiencing the discomfort of the economic recession, especially when it comes to the massive cuts most companies are making with respect to training programs, marketing budgets, and anything that could be perceived as ‘fat’. What’s unfortunate is … Continue reading

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Harmonization vs. Standardization

This topic came to mind from a recent conversation I had with the branch manager of a global company. She was facing a challenge with her COO; he had requested that certain functions and roles needed to participate in her monthly branch meeting. … Continue reading

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