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Tag Archives: decisionmaking
Growing with purpose
Continuing to sustainably grow by staying relevant is getting harder every year. A recent study shows that the average lifespan of a company in the S&P 500 index has decreased from 61 years in 1958 to just 18 years. At this rate, by 2027, … Continue reading
Gender diversity for improved decision making: Lessons from Thailand
Back in 2010, I was in Paris with a colleague running a workshop at the Women’s International Networking global conference. We had 100 persons show up for our workshop and my male colleague turned to me and said, wow I … Continue reading
Re-framing in the new year
The start of a new calendar year triggers many of us to reflect on what we want to do new or differently in the coming year, whether personally or professionally. Professionally it’s a moment where many of us start with … Continue reading