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Author Archives: Araz
Next generation entrepreneurs
I’ve been talking to a lot of people about entrepreneurship in the context of how do I define entrepreneurship and what makes me an entrepreneur. The conversations inspired me to think of how I would visually represent the characteristics of … Continue reading
April 24, 2009: Hope for the future
I have some very interesting memories of April 24th. I remember waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning and driving with my mom and aunt to the community centre. From there getting on a bus with 50 other … Continue reading
Authenticity vs vulnerability
In a recent conversation I was discussing with some colleagues vulnerability and behaviours associated with being vulnerable. The characteristics they mentioned were quiet, introspective, meek, calm. My immediate reaction was, wait it’s not just these characteristics which show that a … Continue reading
Cost cutting AND smart investing
We’ve all been experiencing the discomfort of the economic recession, especially when it comes to the massive cuts most companies are making with respect to training programs, marketing budgets, and anything that could be perceived as ‘fat’. What’s unfortunate is … Continue reading
Web 2.0: Are you observing or participating?
Yesterday I listened to a philosophy podcast at the gym; it was an interview with William A. Drumin, a professor at King’s College in Pennsylvania. Drumin co-authored a book, Hitchcock and Philosophy: Dial M for Metaphysics that looks at the … Continue reading
Giving birth to the new
Last week I had the chance to hear Margaret Wheatley speak. It was my first time hearing her speak ‘live’; she had such a calmness and presence around her. For me the thoughts she shared really articulated what I am … Continue reading
Ask what you can do
Phil posted an excellent comment on my last blog posting and it was so good it inspired me to write another post! There are two parallel questions in my mind: What types of structures/systems can enable people to express their … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged diversity, engagement, innovation, leadership, responsibility, teams, uncomfortable
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Making yourself heard
High-performing teams, just like well-functioning societies, are successful because all members actively share their thoughts, opinions and talent. There’s a lot written about teams and organizations that structure themselves to get the diversity of voices/opinions into the conversation to drive innovation and growth. But … Continue reading
You can’t hate someone whose story you know
Last month Rotterdam held its annual International Film Festival. I thought it would be fun to go, so I started to search for films and decided to look at the films whose title started with a Z (my thinking being how could you … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Armenia, Canada, cultural understanding, diversity, film, Turkey
Harmonization vs. Standardization
This topic came to mind from a recent conversation I had with the branch manager of a global company. She was facing a challenge with her COO; he had requested that certain functions and roles needed to participate in her monthly branch meeting. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged design, globalization, harmonization, leadership, management, standardization
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